Taking it further in the classroom

Download or invite students to design their own
The Makedo cardboard construction system is deliberately open-ended, which enables your learners to draw on their creativity, imagination and DIY skills as they create different ways to Makedo.
From the beginning, our design team have used 3D printers to develop new ideas and prototypes for the Makedo product range. We also love to share these ideas to see how our clever makers respond.
Below, you’ll find our favourite 3D-printed additions to the Makedo system that you can use in your classroom.
These designs are all free to download from Makedo on Thingiverse.
You could even challenge your students to create a 3D printable part to enhance the Makedo system and share it with us!
Free-Swinging Hinge

3D Printed Hinge
Add some truly kinetic action to your cardboard creations with this Free-Swinging hinge. Doors, windows, trapdoors, drawbridges... they all hinge on you having this!
A great addition to STEAM Challenges (and all of our resources), this hinge can be connected to your cardboard structure using 2-3 Makedo Scrus, and has a range of movement from 0 to 270 degrees.

3D Printed Scru-Bit
Insert the Scru-Bit into a cordless electric screwdriver for fast, easy Makedo connections.
The Scru-Bit is handy during assembly for smaller hands, for those with limited strength/mobility, and for large-scale construction when there are many Scrus to connect.
Not just for attaching cardboard, the Scru-Bit is a great hack for educators when disassembling large cardboard creations, such as at a giant Cardboard Maze. You'll fly through the process of dismantling creations.
We recommend using the Scru-Bit in a cordless electric screwdriver (not a power drill) on a low torque setting.

3D Printed Fabric Connector
This bracket is designed to connect all kinds of fabric to cardboard. The fabric is held securely in the bracket by inserting a Scru, while the other end of the bracket connects to cardboard with another Scru.
We call it a Fab-Grab! The fabric is not damaged in this process and can be removed easily at the end of use.
The Fab-Grab enhances cardboard creations such as capes on costumes (like in Character Creations), curtains on windows (like in Safe Spaces) and sails on boats. The possibilities are endless.

Layered construction
Secure cardboard in interesting ways using this Step-Bracket.
Each Step-Bracket requires 2x Makedo Scrus to connect. Attachment can be made from both sides of the bracket.
Use the Step-Bracket to build cardboard channels for a ball run (perhaps part of a Makenificent Machine) or as a spacer to float one layer of cardboard above another. Get creative and show us what is possible with this part!
Lego Adapter

When worlds collide
Great for STEAM learning, this adapter attaches Lego to your cardboard creations. Lego parts snap on with a satisfying click and can rotate for kinetic movement.
Uses 1x Makedo Scru to connect.
You’ll be amazed at what your learners create with this part!
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