
Make a machine
Can you create a machine to make the world kinder, more calm, more fun or more peaceful? Think outside the cardboard box and create a makenificent machine to brighten the world.
English, Science, HASS, Visual Arts, Design and Technologies, Health and Physical Education
Makedo Invent Kit
Upcycled cardboard
Upcycled materials for the machine (eg. bottle caps, string, table tennis balls etc.)
Colouring and craft supplies for decorating (optional)
Lesson Steps
Part 1 - Machine Making
Invite students to research the work of Rube Goldberg and the machines he has inspired. For some extra inspiration, show them the following clips:
- Video: Rube Goldberg #1
- Video: Rube Goldberg #2Divide students into groups and task them with creating a makenificent machine to make the world a better place, inspired by Rube Goldberg. Encourage them to think deeply about what the world needs more of (eg. peace, kindness, calm, humour, empathy) and to design a machine for that.
🎓 Teacher note: This may take some prompting, especially for younger students. Remind them that it can simply be a machine that captivates the viewer's attention evoking mindfulness, or a machine so wacky it makes the viewer laugh.
To help keep them on track, each group must write a procedural text for the creation of their machine. (eg. Step 1: Assemble parts for the machine. Step 2: Line up dominoes along the top of the table. etc.) and include who is responsible for each step.
Students build their machines, ensuring that they update their procedural text as needed. Allow at least 40 minutes for the build.
Part 2 - Group Discussion
Did the steps in the creation of your machine change once you started building? How did this make you feel?
Why is being resilient and adaptable to change important?
How valuable is communication when working as part of a team? Were there times when communication was poor during this challenge? Were there times when it was clear and constructive?
What sort of communication style works best for you?
How does your machine fulfil the goal of making the world a better place? Is a machine actually capable of this? Discuss.
Video: Rube Goldberg #1
Video: Rube Goldberg #2
Journal Prompts
Did you experience any difficult emotions when creating your machine (eg. frustration, anger, disappointment)? How did you regulate/manage these?
What did you enjoy about creating your makenificent machine? What challenges did you face? How did you overcome them?
Do you feel like you experienced mindfulness in the making of this machine? Explain.
Take It Further
Narrative: Invite students to write a fictional story about how their machine helped make the world better. For example, a character is having a bad day, and then the machine makes them laugh and lightens their mood.
Go Large: Design a large-scale Rube Goldberg machine. Older students can include measurements and dimensions of the equipment used.
Shapes and Angles: Have students explore the shapes and angles that combine to create their machine.
An Ideal World: Create a piece of art displaying what you think an ideal world would look like.