Safe Spaces

Ages 5+


Make a safe space

Students build their own fort as a safe space to cosy up and inside and consider a series of prompts exploring safety, support and help-seeking. 

English, Visual Arts, HPE, Design and Tech




  • Makedo Invent Kit

  • Upcycled cardboard

  • Colouring and craft supplies for decorating (optional)


Lesson Steps

Part 1 - Fort Building

  1. Assign the task for students to build a fort with the following parameters:

    • It must be made from cardboard.

    • It must be tall enough for you to sit in without being seen by others.

    • It should feel comfortable and cosy enough to rest in for a short while.

    • It should represent you, so add your own flare to it with cardboard add-ons or decorations!

  2. Allow the students at least 45 minutes to build their forts.

  3. Ask students to settle in their fort with a journal and pen/pencil. They may wish to use cushions or pillows to get comfortable. While students are in their safe space, ask them to respond to the following questions:

    a. How does your fort represent you? 

    b. What is it about your fort that makes you feel safe? 

    c. Describe a favourite place that makes you feel safe. It could be somewhere that you’ve holidayed, a favourite spot in your house, etc. What does it sound, smell, look and feel like?

    d. Do you ever experience big feelings that are difficult or uncomfortable? What do these feel like in your body? 

    e. Can you name the emotions that you’re feeling at these times? If so, what are they

    f. What are the greatest challenges in your life at the moment? 

    g. What do you need to feel better supported while facing these challenges

    h. Can you think of a time when you’ve been presented with a challenge and supported to get through it? Explain.

    i. It’s important to seek help when things are tough, and there is no weakness in that. In fact, seeking help is a sign of strength! Who can you go to for support when life is challenging?

  4. Gather students as a group to reiterate the importance of help-seeking. Use the Discussion Guide (below).

Part 2 - Group Discussion

  1. Gather students back together and reiterate the importance of help-seeking when times are tough. 

  2. Brainstorm people and places students can go to for support when needed and how to access these supports. 

    🎓 Teacher note: Parents, friends, teachers, school wellbeing support, trusted adults (such as coaches), doctors and other services such as support hotlines. Students may not know how to access wellbeing services at school or to book a doctor. Explain these processes as needed.

  3. Make a copy of this list and display it in the classroom for reference.


Journal Prompts

  • What could be added or removed to make your fort feel more safe?

  • Why is feeling safe important for individuals, as a community, and globally? 

  • What can you do to be a safe space and support for those around you? For example, you could be a good listener, regularly check how they are doing, etc.


Take It Further

  • Fort City: To highlight the importance of social support at all times, but particularly during times of challenge, students use cardboard to connect their forts via a series of tunnels to make a fort city, like this. Discuss how having friends and peers improves wellbeing.

  • Your Ultimate Fort: Students draw their ultimate fort, imagining they have unlimited time and resources. They then annotate it by outlining the personal importance of each feature.

  • Safe Sounds: Create a soundtrack for your safe space. This could consist of your favourite songs or recordings of sound that create a feeling of comfort for you.