Make a robot maze
Cardboard and robotics combine as you design a challenging cardboard obstacle course, and then program a robot to navigate it. A-maze-ing fun (and learning) guaranteed!
Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies
Makedo Invent Kit
Upcycled cardboard
Programmable robots (such as Sphero BOLT)
Lesson Steps
Students create a cardboard obstacle course. The more creative and challenging the course, the better, so add twists and turns, different levels, roadblocks and more.
Students program their robot to navigate through the course. They’ll be wishing they didn’t make it so difficult after all.
Journal Prompts
What did you enjoy the most about this activity? What are you most proud of?
Did you come up against any challenges while programming your robot? How did you overcome these? Who can you go to for support in times of challenge?
Was your obstacle course challenging enough? If you were to make it even more challenging for your robot (and programming skills), what would you change?
Take It Further
Switch it up! Students swap obstacle courses and then program their robot to navigate a different course.
Challenge students to make their obstacle course even more difficult with moving parts.
Instead of an obstacle course, students create cardboard mazes for other students to navigate with their robots. The mazes must have a clear beginning and end point.
Replicate the area around your school in cardboard, displaying the streets, tracks and local geographical features before coding your robot to explore the neighbourhood.